Photographic References
This book list comes from Ray’s personal library. These are books he has read and found to be always informative and sometimes transformational! Many are out of print and can be purchased from used booksellers online.
In general, the list does not include references on how to operate a camera or use post-processing software. There are an infinite number of sources for that information, most available online for free.
If you have a favorite photography related book, send Ray a note. He would love to hear from you.
Essays and Commentary
Barrett, Terry. Criticizing Photographs—An Introduction to Understanding Images. McGraw Hill. 2006 (4th ed.)
Barthes, Roland. Camera Lucida—Reflections on Photography. Hill and Wang. 1980
Bayles, David and Ted Orland. Art and Fear—Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking. The Image Continuum. 1993
Berger, John. Understanding a Photograph. Aperture. 2013 (1st Aperture ed.)
Berger, John. About Looking. Vintage International. 1980
Campany, David. On Photographs. MIT Press. 2020
Dyer, Geoff. See-Saw-Looking at Photographs-Essays 2010-2020. Graywolf Press. 2021
Dyer, Geoff. The Ongoing Moment. Vintage Books. 2005
Ewing, William. The Body—Photographs of the Human Form. Chronicle Books. 1994
Ghirri, Luigi. The Complete Essays: 1973-1991. Mack Books. 2021
Lyons, Nathan (ed.). Photographers on Photography. Prentice-Hall. 1966
Rubin, Rick. The Creative Act—A Way of Being. Penguin Press. 2023
Sontag, Susan. On Photography. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 1973
Strauss, David Lee. Between the Eyes—Essays and Photography and Politics. Aperture. 2005
Traub, Charles (ed.). The Education of a Photographer. Allworth Press. 2006
Biographical and Portfolio
Assouline, Pierre. Henri Cartier-Bresson—A Biography. Thames and Hudson. 1999
Blumenfeld, Erwin. Eye to I—The Autobiography of a Photographer. Thames and Hudson. 1999 (first published 1976)
Brassai. Paris by Night. Flammarion. 1987 ed.
Doisneau, Robert. Robert Doisneau—Paris. Flammarion. 2005
Eisler, Benita. O’Keefe and Stieglitz—An American Romance. Penguin Books. 1991
Frank, Robert. The Americans, Steidl (12th ed.- 2019), 1959 (1st ed.)
Gruber, Ruth. Witness—One of the Great Correspondents of the 20th Century Tells Her Story. Schocken Books. 2007
Haaften, Julia Van. Berenice Abbott—A Life in Photography. W.W. Norton Publishers. 2018
Horan, James. Timothy O’Sullivan—America’s Forgotten Photographer. Bonanza Books. 1966
Jeffrey, Ian. How to Read a Photograph. Abrams. 2008
Koetzle, Hans-Michael. Photographers A-Z. Taschen. 2018
Maddow, Ben, Let Truth be the Prejudice—W. Eugene Smith: His Life and Photographs, Aperture, 1985
Mann, Sally. Hold Still—A Memoir with Photographs. Back Bay Books. 2015
Rathbone, Belinda, Walker Evans—A Biography, Mariner Books, 1995
Steichen, Edward. A Life in Photographs. Doubleday. 1963
Strand, Paul. Tir A ‘Mhurain—The Outer Hebrides of Scotland. Aperture. 2002 ed.
Winters, Dan. Road to Seeing. New Riders. 2014
Perception, Composition, and the Psychology of Seeing
Arnheim, Rudolf. Art and Visual Perception—The Psychology of the Creative Eye (the new version). University of California Press. 1974 ed.
Arnheim, Rudolf. Visual Thinking. University of California Press. 1969
Bang, Molly. Picture This—How Pictures Work (25th Anniv. Ed.). Chronicle Books. 2016
Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. BBC and Penguin Books. 1977
Bloomer, Carolyn. Principles of Visual Perception. Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1976
Dilg, Brian. Why You Like This Photo—The Science of Perception. ILEX Publishing. 2018
Dondis, Donis. A Primer of Visual Literacy. MIT Press. 1973
DuBose, Julie. Effortless Beauty—Photography as an Expression of Eye, Mind and Heart. Miksang Publications. 2013
duChemin, David. The Soul of the Camera—The Photographer’s Place in Picture Making. Rocky Nook. 2017
Finn, David. How to Look at Photographs. Abrams Publishing. 1994
Gregory, Richard. Eye and Brain—The Psychology of Seeing. Princeton University Press. 1997 (5th ed.)
Gross, Philippe L. and S.I. Shapiro. The Tao of Photography-Seeing Beyond Seeing. Ten Speed Press. 2001
Hoffman, Torsten Andreas. Photography as Meditation—Tap Into the Source of Your Creativity. Rocky Nook. 2014
Kandel, Eric R.. The Age of Insight—The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind and Brain. Random House. 2012
Rissler, Albrecht. Photographic Composition—Principles of Image Design. Rocky Nook. 2014
Wood, Michael and Andy Karr. The Practice of Contemplative Photography—Seeing the World with Fresh Eyes. Shambhala Press. 2011
Zakia, Richard. Perception and Imaging. Focal Press. 2013 (4th ed.)
History and Perspectives
20th Century Photography, 2018, Taschen
A History of Photography, 2016, Taschen
Clarke, Graham. The Photograph. Oxford University Press. 1997
de Font-Réaulx, Dominque. Painting and Photography-1839-1914. Flammarion. 2012
Newhall, Beaumont. The History of Photography. Little Brown. 1982
Scharf, Aaron. Art and Photography. The Penguin Press London. 1968